Sunland Asphalt in Las Vegas

Does Your Property Need a New Asphalt Driveway?

You've heard the statement about building a home on a good foundation so that it will stand the test of time. It'll stand through storms, wind, rain and the hottest sunshine. Do you know that roads are built on the same premise a home is, so that they last for a long time. Contractors that do roadwork put in a strong subgrade that counts as the footer. Next, the road or driveway, whichever you're getting done, will need another subbase made of stones that will count as the foundation and that will hold the asphalt going over top of the two subbases.

Next, the hot-mixed asphalt is applied over top of the stone subbase and the strong subgrade. A pavement designer would have suggested the amount of asphalt that should go over these subbases. Now, in the scenario above, the asphalt would count as the house. It makes common sense to think about the thickness of the asphalt you want. Since weather does abuse it and cause it to crack, exposing the stones and soil underneath, it makes having a greater thickness of asphalt poured to ensure that it lasts much longer.

If you've built a road with the subbases and the required amount of asphalt has been poured and leveled on it, it'll need to be maintained. If it's a main road, a company will have to have an asphalt maintenance contract drawn up so they'll be allowed to do the regularly required work to keep the asphalt in good condition. Sometimes, a road is built by a contractor who signs a contract with a time limit to get the job completed. If time was running out and a lesser amount of asphalt was used, cracks in the asphalt could appear in a shorter time than normal.

Asphalt companies keep very busy installing parking lots, driveways, lanes through golf courses and city parks and much more. The more jobs they complete, the more maintenance there is to be completed. When they offer good service with the proper amount of asphalt poured on the subbases, they build up an excellent reputation and are highly recommended by satisfied customers. Always work with an expert that explains why you need certain amounts of asphalt. Work with a company that offers free estimates, affordable prices and quality work.